Bowen Therapy Technique Books & Videos[Disclaimer]

Bowen Therapy: Tom Bowen's Gift to the World
by Frank Navratil - author bio Buy from Amazon.com
Frank Navratil, BSc. N.D., a world-renowned expert on natural medicine and long-time Bowen practictioner and instructor, reveals for the first time some of the secrets of this often-concealed method and his experience with thousands of patients using the Bowen method.

| The Bowen Technique by Julian Baker looks at the Bowen Technique, a holistic therapy, and guides the reader through the various techniques involved. To be used by students as a reference.
...more info
Julian's instructor listing

Miracle Pain Relief: The Gentle Power of Bowen For Family and Friends
... more about the DVD - Available Now !
... VHS - may not be available
Learn how to achieve fast, long-lasting relief from back pain, headaches, joint pain and stress with the Bowen Technique. (Designed for the lay person who does not have access to a Bowen Practitioner). MiraclePainRelief.com |

Written Manual with all basic Bowen procedures by Mitchell Mosher, DPM, CMT, including information, history and principles, and drawings of all moves. 2 Informational CDs; Introduction to Bowen "Bowen & Beyond", "Bowen Therapy & Myofascial Therapy - How it works". VHS or DVD picturing and narrating a full basic Bowen session. Hands on classes are recommended after you have mastered the procedures.
A Bowen Home Companion
Volumes I and II written and published by Gene Dobkin
in depth exploration of the technique and philosophy of Bowen Technique.
Thousands Sold Worldwide - Not Available in Stores. (click on the link
above, scroll down to the Bowen Books link in the menu)

Awaken the Doctor Within
by Ossie and Elaine Rentsch (Foreword),
Ph.D. Raymond Augustyniak (Author)
Awaken the Doctor Within! details what Bowen is and how it works WITH the body to naturally stimulate and revive its dormant healing mechanisms. Using layman's terms, this book explains how the body is DESIGNED to work and how Bowen makes nothing but sense as a natural remedy. ... more info
"These DVD's are RAW, UNCUT, and the full Sequences and Techniques from Marina Perone's Core Course (Level 1 Training)."
The BOWEN THERAPY home study course is a series of three interactive courses on CD-ROM + INSTRUCTIONAL DVD video by Frank Navratil BSc. N.D., a world-renowned author on natural medicine and long-time Bowen Therapy practitioner and instructor.
...more information about home study CD course
Bowen Therapy: Tom Bowen's Gift to the World
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directory where Bowen practitioners can be located. You take full
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