Milton J. Albrecht (Deceased)
Milton J. Albrecht was the first Bowen therapist certified outside of Australia, sponsoring the first Bowen seminar held in the U.S., in September, 1989. Becoming internationally well-known for his progressive interpretation of Tom Bowen's Australian modality, Albrecht filled the need for a U.S.-based Bowen therapy organization by founding Bowen Therapy International in 1997.
Up until his death on Jan. 14, 2003, Albrecht practiced exclusively Bowen therapy on over 75,000 individuals, treating all age groups, from newborns to the advanced frail and elderly. During this time, Albrecht observed how the body responds to Bowen therapy, and authored beginning through advanced instruction manuals which are currently in use by all Bowen Therapy International classes.
Source: Bowen Therapy International
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